Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Letters - January 18th

A few bloggers I know (like my friend Sabz @ The Eclectic Grab Bag) have a thing they do every Friday, where they write a letter for each thing going on in their life. 

I know this past week or two I haven't been posting food and recipes as often as I'd like, so I thought it'd be fun to participate in the letters so you can see what I'm up to and why you haven't seen as much of me!!

Dear Moving Boxes,
Is it possible you can just pack yourself? Because I really do not want to!

Dear D-Man & RoRo,
Thank you so much for cooperating with me this past week while I try to get you both on a better sleeping schedule. Staying up until 1-2 AM was not making Mama happy. Thank you again! Last night I fell asleep at 10:30 PM! I forgot what it feels like to feel rested!

Dear Mom,
I'm so glad you came out of surgery okay today, and despite all the drama with scheduling you can now rest and heal! XOXO

Dear RiRi,
I'm so sorry you had to miss school yesterday, but I've always warned you about leaving that curling iron on your floor when you do your hair. I think the blisters on your toes have taught you that hair appliances belong safely on the bathroom counter. I love you! XOXO

Dear D-Man,
In just nine days you will be 4 years old!! I still can't believe how much you've grown, how intelligent you are, and how crazy you make my days. I love you to the moon, and can't wait to throw your birthday party immediately after this move!!

Dear D-Man's birthday party,
Is it at all possible you can plan yourself? I need fabulous food, fun decor, and lots of fun for the kids. I also need invites sent out and I'm sure there's countless other things. Mama is tired! (Despite all the sleep I've gained!)

Dear Big G,
I really miss you during the week when you work all those hours. You work hard for your family and I know the payoff is coming. Thank you for listening to my frustrations and helping me set up a schedule for the house so I can finally sleep. I love you! XOXO

Dear Point-and-Shoot Camera,
I think I'm officially over you. My photos just don't look how I want them to look and it's creating a frustrating cycle, because I'm not inspired anymore to update the blog with recipes and photos! It's time to start looking for something new, so I can get those drool worthy photos that are all over my Pinterest boards. It's been fun!

Dear Current House,
I think I'm starting to hate you and I can't wait to move! The 20 degree difference in temperature between upstairs and downstairs is highly frustrating! Just a few more days!!

Dear (the blog),
I miss sharing my recipes, photos, and life with you. I promise to be back soon, I'm just a bit overwhelmed. Can someone clone at least 3 of me?!


  1. Moving sucks! boo! but on the bright side, at the end of it, you will have a fab new place that will be more of what you and your family need.

    Hang in there, you can do it!

    Happy Friday Amiga. Yay, for sleep. :)

    1. Yes, it will be soooooo much better in the new house. Everything actually works, properly too!! LOL

      I'm hanging, I'm hanging!!

      Yes, YAY!! I haven't slept in 4 years! lol

  2. I love this!! Tell RiRi I done the exact same thing last year lol I learned my lesson. This is a great idea, I need to come up with a weekly thing for my blog when I get settled.

    1. Thank you!

      She actually did the same thing years ago at a friends house. My friend does her hair in the bedroom on the floor too, and in went my RiRi running through the room ending up with blisters on her foot. You would think she'd have learned the first time! lol

      Thanks for commenting, would love to see your letters too!

  3. Hang in there Mama I think you are off to a great start coming up with a schedule. Remember that making changes is key dont be afraid to switch things up . It took me 2yrs to find a schedule that worked for our family. I hope the move goes smoothly!

    1. Thank you so much Ruby, my schedule will probably go out the window as soon as we move and then it'll be back to square one lol. I'm hoping I can keep it going though, the move will be about a week long, we will be taking our time due to hubby's busy work schedule, and I think it's better that way rather than one quick move. That way it'll be neater and less rushed. :)

  4. I just moved last month, but fortunately we were downgrading to a smaller space. This is such a cute idea, I may have to borrow it sometime. I'm glad the Aloha Friday Hop sent me your way. Stop by my little corner of the island any time.

  5. Hey,

    It’s Deedra from At My Counter. I came over to tell you I picked you for this blog award that I've joined in on! My post about it is here:

    I hope you participate; I can't wait to read some facts about you and get to know you better.



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