Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Think Outside the Blog - Weekly Blog Hop - Week 9!

Here it is folks, our first Think Outside the Blog Thursday Blog Hop for the New Year! We skipped last week due to the holidays, but now we're back and excited to share a New Year with you all and watch this little blog hop grow! I hope your holidays and New Year's celebrations were beautiful and memorable!

When we first decided to put this together, it was to bring people together to meet others that may not fit the "norm". I think we're all a little different in our own ways, and that's partly what leads each of us into blogging and sharing our opinions, lives, thoughts, tips and whatever else!

Onto the link up. Make sure you add your link at the bottom via the inlinkz tool, follow all the hosts via Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to their feed. Add their various social networks and mingle with some of the other folks that link up. This is a blog hop for those bloggers a little out of the norm to socialize and find other like-minded bloggers, so enjoy yourself and make some new friends.

Grab a button for your sidebar or party page, share the hop with a few friends and spread the word! You can view week 8 here. Join us back here every Thursday!

If you would like to co-host, leave a message on any of the hosts blogs or send an email to us here. We are offering co-hosting of our blog hop, free of charge and looking for co-hosts for the next week!


(Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY)

Instagram: MamaHarrisKitchen 
Twitter: MamaHarrisKitch 
Facebook: MamaHarrisKitchen 
Pinterest: MamaHarrisKitch


  1. Thank you for hosting!! Linked up (of course!!)

    I hope you're having a great week and a Happy New Year!

    Thank you so much for linking up to last week's Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I'm following you.

    If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! (Thank you so very much if you've already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)

    Come and link up and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

    1. Hi Jean, thanks for linking up, and I love that you always take the time to leave a comment and a reminder on each individuals page! I linked up, thanks again!

  2. Thank you for hosting this hop - I love the idea of bringing together people that think outside of the box or are a bit different! Happy New Year! :)

  3. Thank you fr hosting this! Can't wait until I can join in on this. I will be able to by the end of this month!

    1. I was totally racking my brain trying to figure out why you can't, lol. I was reminded your blog isn't a month old. But you have links to your other blogs and tumblr on your main blog that's way older than one month. Go ahead and link up, we already know ya! ;)


I love getting feedback, talk to me!